Create a chat message
Create a new message in a given AI Session
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
The unique ID of the Session in which the new message is to be created
Your chat message to the AI
The model of AI to use. Defaults to gpt-3.5-turbo for single-doc chat, and gpt-3.5-turbo-16k for multi-doc chat. Do not change unless you are will to incur potentially much higher costs
Desired language of the AI response
Metadata, for internal use
Whether to only use information from the document(s) in this Session
Whether to use information from AI Cells associated with Documents from this Sesssion
Whether to use information from the document(s) in this Session. Cannot be False if restrict_to_context is True
Whether the new AI response should be related to the previous chat history
Whether to use the metadata of the document(s) in this Session
The unique ID of the AI Session this message belongs to
Time of message creation, in UTC
Unique ID of this message
Metadata, for internal use
The user-provided message to the AI
Task ID for internal use
Progress on obtaining a response from the AI
ID of user who submitted the message
User's assessment of the AI response
The AI's response to the user