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, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
The unique ID of the Document
Unique IDs of Annotations made on this Document
Creation time, by UTC
CSL reference info for internal use
Type of file, such as pdf, txt, etc.
Size of extracted information
Size of original file
Unique ID of the Document
Is the Document in Workspace trash
Metadata, for internal use
Modification time, by UTC
Last user to modify
Unique ID of Organization
Number of pages in Document
Internal resource usage
Processing status of Document
IDs of tags on this Document
UI information for internal use
Whether or not to use OCR on this Document. Leave as False except for images
Detailed Annotations made on this Document
Detailed comments made on the Annotations
Name of original file
Keywords for internal use
Search ranking if applicable
Detailed description of disk usage by a given Document
Snippet found through search, if applicable
For UI use
Auto suggested tags
Detailed information of a tag
Queued tasks associated with this Document