Create cell without AI
Create a cell within an AI table, without invoking the AI to generate any response. Cell contents will still be embedded to be used as context for AI chat, if needed
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
The unique ID of the AI Table
The unique ID of the AI column that contains this cell
The unique ID of the Document associated with the cell
Metadata, for internal use
The AI's response to the user based on the column query of this cell, or a user-submitted response
The unique ID of the column the cell belongs to
The unique ID of the Document associated with the cell
The unique ID of the cell
Metadata, for internal use
Modification time, by UTC
The AI's response to the user based on the column query of this cell, or a user-submitted response
Task ID for internal use
AI task status for this cell