Create cells and run AI
Create cells for the given column-Document pairs if cells do not already exist, and invoke the AI to generate responses for them
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
The unique ID of the AI Table
List of Document-column pairs to create cells for, or to re-generate AI responses for. Provide the Document ID as the first item, then the AI column ID as the second item, for each pair
Whether the AI should continue the existing response found within the cell. Do not use on empty cells
The unique ID of the column the cell belongs to
The unique ID of the Document associated with the cell
The unique ID of the cell
Metadata, for internal use
Modification time, by UTC
The AI's response to the user based on the column query of this cell, or a user-submitted response
Task ID for internal use
AI task status for this cell