Create a Document
Create a Document by uploading your file to Petal
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Type of file, such as pdf, txt, etc.
Binary representation of the file
Unique ID of Organization
Unique IDs of Annotations made on this Document
Creation time, by UTC
Citation information
Extension of the Document (txt, pdf, etc.)
Size of extracted information
Size of original file
Unique ID of the Document
Is the Document in Workspace trash
Metadata, for internal use
Modification time, by UTC
User ID of last modifier. May be -1 (system)
ID of Workspace this Document belongs to
Number of pages in Document
Miscellaneous space used by Document
Document processing status. 0 = not started, 1 = in progress, 2 = completed, and 3 = error
IDs of Tags added to this Document
For use by Petal frontend, for UI settings
Whether or not to use OCR on this Document. Leave as False except for images
Name of original file